Thursday, December 1, 2022

GOD's POWER over nations


Psalm 33:12

King James Version

12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; 

and the people whom he hath chosen 

for his own inheritance.

The fate of nations rely upon their faith.

Do they believe in JESUS?

Have they accepted His SUPREME authority?

That's the premise for this 67th blog.

As born again, a believer in JESUS, I acknowledge the power of His RESURRECTION, and of His WORD.

In this context, I look at the different faiths of presidents, and nations.

By their very faith, they already dictate their future.

Our certainty is in JESUS alone.

Scripture proves those who obey GOD, prosper.

Those who disobey, fall.

Whether man, governments, enterprises, or nations.

Proof will be presented to you on this blog.

May the LORD JESUS bless this task I've set my heart upon, solely for GOD's GLORY!

Click the links below to start reading:

2022 articles


AMERICAN presidents


ALL Bible verses from:

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Israel's ONLY ally

Luke 1:67 King James Version 70 As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets,  which have been since the world began : This is really from ...